Jul 28Liked by Sophie Ward Koren

How are you traveling? Where are you traveling? What are you savoring this late July in your part of the world?

Fifty Things I'm Savoring: Late July

* Evangeline: Stephen Sanchez (https://youtu.be/mkqEmQsPzfA?feature=shared)… just can’t get enough

* Konstanz (https://www.airbnb.com/slink/VqmYGwrx ) on my mind…you’ve got me dreaming (anytime works for me 😊) There are actually a couple places I stay. Great hosts all around! IF I could travel abroad right now, this is where I’d go…always. So to answer the “how/where am I traveling”…North Carolina, by automobile

* Peacocks 🦚, yes peacocks. One crossed the road in front of me while I was driving this morning 😂

* A protective fur baby

* Caving and eating the mashed potatoes (potatoes are my kryptonite…wait that would be cheese 🫣!)

* Organic bone broth

* Vanilla chai and turmeric tea

* Early morning epson salt baths before work

* Making a difference

* Marrow bones (fur babies insisted I add this)

* The sound of flowing water

* An active imagination

* Releasing myself from guilt


* We Will Make It

* Supportive friends

* People who ‘get me’

* Anyone that makes me ‘snort’ when I laugh 🤭 (how embarrassing yet carefree)

* Allowing the dream

* Moving forward

* Spontaneous song

* Closing chapters

* Clean sheets

* ICE!!!

* Big ideas

* Celebrating friends accomplishments

* God’s whispers to me

* Thunderstorms

* Sunrise

* Starry nights

* Night sounds

* Daybreak sounds

* Eagles overhead

* Catch Me If You Can

* Clearing clutter

* Sacral Authority

* Full nights sleep

* The call of my acoustic guitars

* Remembering

* Tears…wine

* Healing

* Troubleshooting (some) issues

* Allowing others to be themselves, without changing who I am

* Pepperidge Farms Baby Goldfish

* Reflection

* Alignment

* Introduction to Svaroopa Yoga poses

* Family safety (following a car accident and a fire two weeks later)

* Hope

* Transformation

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Beautiful! I love peacocks, clearing clutter, celebrating friends, daybreak and night sounds x

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